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Nutri-Score calculation in SAP S/4HANA

Easily record nutritional values, allergens and Nutri-Score based on SAP Recipe Development

Easily integrate Nutri-Score into SAP S/4HANA

The SAP Add On GQS Nutri-Score is a user-friendly and customizable tool that supports product developers and quality managers in analyzing formulation-related information of products. GQS Nutri-Score uses data that is maintained in SAP Recipe Development in master data, recipes or specifications and calculates the Nutri-Score on this basis. With GQS Nutri-Score, we use the SAP standard and manage to intelligently combine the data with a few key logics to offer a new feature. Detailed information on ingredients, nutrients and threshold values is used to evaluate the Nutri-Score in S/4HANA. Recipe formulas can be adapted in no time at all with integrated calculations that contain detailed information on ingredients, nutrients and limit values.

Nutri-Score in SAP S/4HANA for the food industry

Nutri-Score with SAP S/4HANA and Recipe Development at a glance

Are you ready to unlock the potential of SAP RD in S/4HANA for your company?

SAP Recipe Development is an integrated solution from SAP that helps companies improve the early stages of new product development, manage existing products and perform product updates. With SAP Recipe Development, you can support the product development process in all phases – from the idea to production. SAP RD is part of SAP PLM Product Lifecycle Management. In SAP RD, you can manage, control and monitor prescription-related information. Specifications, nutritional values, raw materials, allergens, etc. are calculated via recipes in SAP RD and can thus be made available to production or quality management. GQS Nutri-Score uses the data stored in SAP RD to calculate all nutritional properties for the Nutri-Score.

Virtual workshop from 14.10.2022

SAP RD and Nutri-Score - More transparency for end consumers

  • Presentation of GQS, Christian Schinnerl (GQS)
  • What is SAP Recipe Development? Benedikt Mayer (GQS)
  • GQS Nutri Score Tool and live demo, Benedikt Mayer

FAQ Nutri- Score with S/4HANA

The Nutri-Score provides consumers with information about the nutritional value of a food using a 5-level color scale from A to E. The green A stands for a more favorable and the red E for a less favorable nutritional value of the respective product. This makes individual products in a product group comparable for the end consumer. The Nutri-Score is therefore a useful addition to the legally required information such as the list of ingredients and nutritional value table. A prerequisite for the successful labeling function of the Nutri-Score is that the foods in a rating category are distributed across at least three of the five rating categories, so that consumers can easily recognize the nutritional differences by comparing them. Source: BMEL

  • Transparent presentation of nutritional quality
  • Provides orientation for consumers
  • Easy comparison of products from the same product groups
  • Nutri-Score is based on sound science
  • Traffic light system is easy to understand for the end user
  • Nutri-Score is accepted by end consumers
  • Nutri-Score on product promotes the image of your brand

SAP RD is part of the SAP PLM – Project Lifecycle Management tool. However, SAP RD can be implemented and purchased separately.

GQS Nutri-Score reflects the recipe development view. Data can be transferred to customer specifications or label tools, for example, via the primary output.

No – SAP RD can convert a recipe into a bill of materials. This list can be used for the process/production order. Planning recipes for production can be created from RD. However, it is not possible to create a work plan for the manufacturing industry.

Yes. The specialist department can make individual settings.

Do you have any questions?

Write to us via our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.

As an SAP Consultant at GQS?

We accompany the food industry into the technological future.

Brief description

As an SAP Gold Partner, our focus is on the food industry. GQS brings your company into the future with S/4HANA. With standardized tools, agile project management methods and suitable tools, we ensure the successful implementation of your SAP projects. Together, we identify possible optimization potential and present this in a targeted manner in the GQS industry solutions. With our products developed for the food industry, we tie in with your sector. If you need customer-specific support, our SAP Application Management Service (AMS) is the right choice for you. In addition to industry knowledge, we offer you technology expertise in the areas of SAP Cloud solutions, the use of state-of-the-art Fiori apps and knowledge from complex S/4HANA complete implementations

Contact us

GQSystema AG
Bretonischer Ring 12
85630 Munich / Grasbrunn

©2024 GQSystema AG - Your SAP partner for the food industry

As an SAP Consultant at GQS?

We accompany the food industry into the technological future.

Brief description

As an SAP Gold Partner, our focus is on the food industry. GQS brings your company into the future with S/4HANA. With standardized tools, agile project management methods and suitable tools, we ensure the successful implementation of your SAP projects. Together, we identify possible optimization potential and present this in a targeted manner in the GQS industry solutions. With our products developed for the food industry, we tie in with your sector. If you need customer-specific support, our SAP Application Management Service (AMS) is the right choice for you. In addition to industry knowledge, we offer you technology expertise in the areas of SAP Cloud solutions, the use of state-of-the-art Fiori apps and knowledge from complex S/4HANA complete implementations. Learn more >>

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Contact us

GQSystema AG
Breton ring 12
85630 Munich / Grasbrunn

©2022 GQSystema AG - Your SAP partner for the food industry

Virtueller Workshop am 21.03.2025
SAP Brownfield Conversion - Bewährte Prozesse auf SAP S/4HANA migrieren

Im Rahmen eines bayrischen Weißwurstfrühstücks zeigen wir IT Entscheidern aus der Lebensmittelindustrie, wie Sie  schnell und effizient von SAP ECC auf S/4HANA migrieren.

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