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GQS Products

SAP Excise Tax and Duty Management

Simplify your tax and excise-duty needs with an all-in-one solution

Excise duties in SAP S/4HANA

The unique interaction of master data, customization and selection allows you to calculate multiple tax and excise duties at the click of a button with minimal wait time – all in one report. Whether domestic, trade-region or third-country duties or new taxes such as sugar or plastic taxes, or all of the above, the solution manages your excise-duty needs, saving your business time and resources.

SAP S/4HANA for the food industry

Excise duties and taxes in SAP S/4HANA

Functions and benefits at a glance

Data security

With this solution for SAP S/4HANA On-Premise and SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, sensitive data remains in your company. Duplicate checks prevent errors. 1234

Simple development architecture

GQS@tax is easy to implement. No additional development architecture is required. The SAP S/4HANA standard is not affected.

Universal solution

One solution for all applicable duties, domestic, trade regions and taxes in third countries.


GQS@tax is customisable for countries, languages, taxes, fees and time periods and can be easily integrated into your SAP S/4HANA environment.

Live material movements

The unique combination of material movements, customisation and master data guarantees a smooth workflow and consistent, high-quality data. The data is taken directly from the material movements.

Tax types at a glance

Whether you select products, time periods, trading regions, packaging types or define them in columns, rows, groups or totals, with the SAP Fiori-like convenience, all views are fully configurable to your needs and can be easily output in any report format.

Real-time stock ledger

The stock ledger and material movements are displayed in real time. All excise duty types are freely selectable and can be displayed at a glance. Material documents are listed by component. For a deeper insight, navigate and display the entire process flow in one document.

Flexible business logic

With a very user-friendly and intuitive user interface, GQS@tax is an innovation with pioneering CDS technology. All your requirements in the areas of taxes, excise duties and levies are combined in one solution. This saves you time and allows you to make better use of freed-up resources.

Your benefits with GQS@tax for excise duties in SAP S/4HANA

Excise duties in SAP S/4HANA



4 components - strong output


A licence for gqs@tax can consist of up to 3 licence components

Verbrauchsteuer in SAP / SAP S/4HANA Alkoholsteuer / Abgaben /

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As an SAP Consultant at GQS?

We accompany the food industry into the technological future.

Brief description

As an SAP Gold Partner, our focus is on the food industry. GQS brings your company into the future with S/4HANA. With standardized tools, agile project management methods and suitable tools, we ensure the successful implementation of your SAP projects. Together, we identify possible optimization potential and present this in a targeted manner in the GQS industry solutions. With our products developed for the food industry, we tie in with your sector. If you need customer-specific support, our SAP Application Management Service (AMS) is the right choice for you. In addition to industry knowledge, we offer you technology expertise in the areas of SAP Cloud solutions, the use of state-of-the-art Fiori apps and knowledge from complex S/4HANA complete implementations

Contact us

GQSystema AG
Bretonischer Ring 12
85630 Munich / Grasbrunn

©2024 GQSystema AG - Your SAP partner for the food industry

As an SAP Consultant at GQS?

We accompany the food industry into the technological future.

Brief description

As an SAP Gold Partner, our focus is on the food industry. GQS brings your company into the future with S/4HANA. With standardized tools, agile project management methods and suitable tools, we ensure the successful implementation of your SAP projects. Together, we identify possible optimization potential and present this in a targeted manner in the GQS industry solutions. With our products developed for the food industry, we tie in with your sector. If you need customer-specific support, our SAP Application Management Service (AMS) is the right choice for you. In addition to industry knowledge, we offer you technology expertise in the areas of SAP Cloud solutions, the use of state-of-the-art Fiori apps and knowledge from complex S/4HANA complete implementations. Learn more >>

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Contact us

GQSystema AG
Breton ring 12
85630 Munich / Grasbrunn

©2022 GQSystema AG - Your SAP partner for the food industry

Virtueller Workshop am 21.03.2025
SAP Brownfield Conversion - Bewährte Prozesse auf SAP S/4HANA migrieren

Im Rahmen eines bayrischen Weißwurstfrühstücks zeigen wir IT Entscheidern aus der Lebensmittelindustrie, wie Sie  schnell und effizient von SAP ECC auf S/4HANA migrieren.

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